CRaFT Carbon Reduction and Feasibility Tool

Set emissions targets and track carbon reductions

Carbon Reduction and Feasibility Tool (CRaFT)

EcoAct’s Carbon Reduction and Feasibility Tool (CRaFT) is with you for your whole climate journey, from target setting to net-zero and beyond. It will inform your decision making and give you confidence in your climate actions.

Why choose EcoAct.

Over more than 18 years, EcoAct has developed a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities that organisations face in addressing climate change and transitioning to a net-zero economy


years of climate and sustainability consulting


Climate data applications developed to support our expert EcoActor consultants and analysts.

Scientific experts

15+ data scientists, business experts, project managers, developers, and product owners with the highest level of knowledge.

How CRaFT can help you forecast and track your emissions reductions

As we work to achieve net-zero by 2050, robust science-based targets provide a clearly defined pathway for companies to reduce carbon emissions.

Whether you have already set climate targets or are planning to set one, CRaFT can help you find the successful pathway to your climate ambitions. The tool combines historical performance data with emissions reduction initiatives, developed by our advisory experts to easily forecast, track and realise emissions reductions within your organisation.

Increase confidence in your near- and long-term climate targets and how you will achieve them. CRaFT will enable your organisation to build and compare custom-made, costed emission reduction scenarios.

Carbon reduction and Feasibility tool CRaFT carbon emission projection

Forecast your emissions

CRaFT can house all of your emissions-related data and produce visual outputs of the course of your emissions into the future.

Set robust climate targets

Visually map your emissions data and reduction scenarios against a science-aligned target. CRaFT can help you understand the best means to achieve your climate targets and stay on track with emissions reductions.

Carbon reduction and Feasibility tool CRaFT Cost line chart

Track your progress towards climate targets

CRaFT provides a clear picture of your emissions reductions throughout your net-zero journey. Add new initiatives, update the performance of specific business units and create new scenarios for emissions reductions.

Engage stakeholders

CRaFT provides an internal breakdown of your target for different areas of your business. Engage your colleagues and incentivise them to plan and deliver on their individual targets and track their own progress.

Add transparency and integrity to your climate disclosures

CRaFT will help you demonstrate ambitious targets, organisational oversight and emissions reduction progress to your stakeholders.


Cinque punti per impostare un Science-Based Target

I science-based targets (SBTs) sono obiettivi di riduzione delle emissioni allineati al tasso di decarbonizzazione richiesto dalla scienza per limitare il riscaldamento globale a 1,5 gradi.  


Key Questions on CRaFT

What is CRaFT?

With CRaFT, you can confidently forecast your emissions scenarios, set robust reduction targets and track progress. Using the tool, you can visualise your climate targets and strategically select decarbonisation levers for maximum impact and achieve your climate goals. 

How will CRaFT help me to achieve my reduction targets?

With all your carbon data and reduction initiatives inputted, you can evaluate how different emissions reduction initiatives will impact your short, medium and long-term emissions trajectory. You can compare potential reductions initiatives side by side to assess effectiveness and cost simultaneously.

How do I get started with the CRaFT Carbon Reduction and Feasibility Tool?

To get started, contact us and enquire with our team for a demo of the tool. Once you’ve seen how it works, you can choose from the two options for using the CRaFT for your business. Our team can help you setup the tool and train your team on how to use it, or we can manage the platform for you. 

Circle sky

We are facing a climate emergency and the contribution of companies is essential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. At Servier, we are mobilised. With EcoAct’s help, we have measured our carbon footprint and defined an ambitious strategy, the robustness and consistency of which has been confirmed by the SBTi. Our objective is to reduce our emissions by 25% by 2030. Even if the contributions of some departments are more impactful than others, our challenge is to involve all teams and every employee

Vincent Minvielle , CSR Director of Servier

Read the full case study

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