Climate mitigation services to reduce business emissions.

EcoAct's Digital Climate Tools

Climate Data Analytics

Our Climate Data Analytics (CDA) team are leading corporate climate industry experts, who utilise and develop the latest technologies alongside the latest best practices to ensure EcoAct remains at the forefront of the sustainability agenda and increase the impact our consultants and our clients can make on emissions reductions and our collective efforts to minimise the risk of breaches in the planetary boundaries.

Why choose EcoAct.

Advancing climate and sustainability consulting for 18+ years, we help businesses respond to environmental challenges and boost commercial performance.


Climate data applications developed to support our expert EcoActor consultants and analysts.


years of climate and sustainability consulting

Scientific experts

15+ data scientists, business experts, project managers, developers, and product owners with the highest level of knowledge.


Our Climate Data Analytics (CDA) team

The EcoActors who develop and enhance our range of digital climate tools.

Since 2023 our team has grown to include business experts, project managers, data scientists, developers and product owners all working together and with our clients to utilise market leading digital solutions and AI to better access, manage and analyse environmental data. We have a diverse portfolio of digital solutions to address the various challenges of organisational climate and sustainability action.

Most importantly, we are EcoActors, driven by a shared motivation to enable or challenge our clients, contacts, colleagues and even competitors to reduce their impact and the impact of their organisations on the environment, with a collective goal of minimising the worst effects of climate change.

Our tools are used by our consultants to add to our existing offering, improve speed, ensure accuracy and reduce reliance on client supplied data. We can also provide clients with access to the tools, so they can use them as a live data dashboards, produce different reports and information and track progress. We can even setup and then train clients to use the tools themselves with our ongoing support.

The CDA team’s mission statement is: “To enable Global Sustainability Operations teams to scale and compete in an ever-growing digital sustainability space”

Our Services

CRaFT Carbon Reduction and Feasibility Tool

EcoAct’s Carbon Reduction and Feasibility Tool (CRaFT) is with you for your whole climate journey, from target setting to net-zero and beyond. It will inform your decision making and give you confidence in your climate actions.

Climate Risks Tool

Our Climate Risks Tool (ECLR) analyses the vulnerability of organisations’ physical sites to climate change hazards, supporting the identification and prioritisation of mitigation and adaptation measures.

Carbon Pricing Tool

EcoAct’s Carbon and Energy Pricing Tool can support you through analysis of regulatory risks and implementation of a tailored carbon pricing mechanism. We know the demands of business are many. We can help reduce the burden of this one.

Circle sky

EcoAct helped the Group to significantly move forward in understanding and anticipating climate-related risk and opportunity on its activities. The EcoAct team supported Getlink to evidence its resilience towards the main risks with a robust analysis specific to its territory.

Vincent Ducros, Getlink Environment Director


EcoAct Climate Risk (ECLR) Platform

The EcoAct Climate Risk (ECLR) Platform – Your bespoke climate hazards visualisation platform, aligned with the TCFD & EU Taxonomy.

Climate Risk tool ECLR Brochure

Frequently asked questions about climate data analytics tools

What is Climate data analytics

Climate data analytics is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting large volumes of climate-related data to understand environmental patterns, trends, and changes.

Why is it important to utilise data and AI to tackle climate change?

Data and AI are crucial for tackling climate change because they enable unprecedented analysis of complex environmental systems, allowing for more accurate predictions, innovative solutions, and evidence-based strategies to mitigate global environmental challenges.

What is meant by 1.5 degrees or warming to 1.5 degrees scenarios?

The concept of the 1.5oc threshold originates from the Paris agreement the international accord on climate change established by the United Nations in 2015. This international climate treaty set the objective of keeping the global average temperature well below 2oc above than pre-industrial levels, with a preferred limit of 1.5oc. As part of the Paris Agreement, the UN Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) requested the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)to produce a special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5oc warmer than pre-industrial levels related global greenhouse gas (GHG) emission pathways. According to the IPCC’s special report published in 2018, to achieve a 1.5oc limit with minimal overshooting, net global CO2 emissions need to fall by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030 and reach net-zero by around 2050. Meeting a 1.5oc limit, therefore, requires rapid and far-reaching transitions across all sectors, a wide portfolio of mitigation options, and a substantial upscaling of investments in those options. It also requires a significant contribution from nature-based and technology-based solutions(ntbs). To unlock this capability, NTBS require additional funding and adherence to internationally recognised standards that safeguard the rights of Indigenous peoples and local communities, while also ensuring strict social and environmental safeguards to prevent any negative impacts on local communities

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+33 (0)1 83 64 08 70

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+1 917 744 9660

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+34 930 287 221

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+49 211 737 432 99

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+39- 334-603 1139

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+254 708 066 725
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