CDP Carbon Disclosure Project

CDP accredited consultancy and verification

Disclosing through CDP

As a gold accredited provider with CDP we can help you prepare a comprehensive submission and improve your score.

Why choose EcoAct.

EcoAct is committed to making a difference by assisting businesses in addressing climate and environmental challenges while boosting commercial performance.


of clients supported for CDP Disclosure in 2022 received A or A -


climate and sustainability projects since 2015


climate risks and opportunities assessments

CDP works on behalf of institutional investors and requests companies to disclose their climate change risks, carbon emissions, water use, biodiversity impacts, governance and forestry information.

As a CDP Gold accredited partner, we can help you prepare a comprehensive CDP submission. Assessing and quantifying climate risk at both a strategic and operational level across the organisation, calculating emissions and analysing water use from your operations as well as providing overall support with the submission process. We offer a free of charge ‘CDP Response Check’ to identify areas of improvement. Our approach to CDP is devised to reduce internal time and resource, help you to maximise your score, and improve performance against your peers.

Biodiversity Footprinting and Accounting - waterdrops on leaves

What is the CDP questionnaire?

In 2024, the CDP consolidated its four questionnaires into a single one combining all environmental themes. The questionnaire remains divided into several categories with:

  • Climate Change Questionnaire: Requires disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity impacts, supply chain mapping, energy use and climate risk.
  • Supply Chain Questionnaire: Similar to the Climate Change Questionnaire, but the supply chain questionnaire is targeted at companies that are part of corporate supply chains.
  • Water Questionnaire: Assessment of existing and future water risk, water strategy and water use information including relevant water reduction targets.
  • Forests Questionnaire: Assessment of deforestation related activities / commodities including timber, palm oil, cattle products and soy.
CDP submission

Why CDP reporting matters

CDP’s global environmental data disclosure is crucial for climate action. With the most comprehensive dataset, it aids sustainability efforts and monitors progress.

Reporting through CDP benefits by safeguarding reputation, enhancing competitiveness, identifying potential risks and opportunities, and tracking progress against industry standards. It also aligns with growing mandatory disclosure trends. Using CDP can also put your company ahead of regulatory requirements.


Our support for CDP reporting

As a CDP Gold Partner, we can help you complete your CDP questionnaire, including:

  • provide comprehensive support in your CDP submission (gap analysis, drafting support),
  • analyse climate scenarios and quantify risks and opportunities at both the strategic and operational levels across your organization,
  • carry out a compliance analysis of CDP responses with regard to the CSRD,
  • calculate your carbon emissions (scopes 1, 2 and 3) and build a transition plan aligned with the net zero emissions objective,
  • define your emissions reduction targets (SBT).

How can CDP prepare you for transition planning and CSRD compliance?

Watch our webinar recording in partnership with CDP, where we hear about CDP’s long-term vision, and explore the strategic application of CDP with long-term transition planning and alignment to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Discover how CDP’s recent updates can lighten the reporting load, prepare you for future regulations and help to embed sustainability deeply into strategic operations. We also explore the practical aspects of building transition plans, discussing credibility criteria and actionable steps to advance your sustainability practices. Learn about the links and benefits between CDP and CSRD to improve your reporting and strategic planning.

Need to work out if you’re CSRD ready? Why not try our:
Free ACTR Tool

Circle sky

EcoAct provided us with invaluable help for our CDP response this year and were very accommodating with our extra requirements. It was a pleasure working with them

Sustainability Manager, Compass Group

Read the full case study

Featured CDP Content

The 2024 CDP Factsheet

With over 23,200 companies, cities, states and regions now disclosing to CDP, it is one of the most comprehensive and widely-used sustainability reporting platforms in the world

For all the 2024 updates, timelines and the future of CDP, download your copy of the 2024 CDP Factsheet today.

Other Net-Zero Services

Sustainability Software & Systems

Carbon and energy accounting and sustainability tools are built specifically to gather, manage and process large quantities of data.

Environmental Legislative Compliance

The environmental policy landscape is changing. We can help you to unravel and comply with the regulatory demands on your business.

Reporting Frameworks

At present the main regulations impacting business are the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting initiative (SECR) and the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS).

Science-based targets

Science-based targets (SBTs) are emission reductions targets aligned with the rate of decarbonisation required by science to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.


Key questions on CDP Reporting

How does CDP's scoring work?

A CDP score offers a quick overview of a company’s disclosure and environmental performance. Taking meaningful environmental measures starts with a precise and open evaluation of one’s environmental impact and progress, a process facilitated by CDP scoring. These scores reveal to organisations and their interested parties their position on the path to achieving a future aligned with 1.5 degrees, free from deforestation, and secure in terms of water resources. When companies disclose their data consistently over several years, they can gain insights into the trajectory of their environmental progress.

Is CDP's questionnaire aligned with the ISSB's climate disclosure standard (IFRS S2)?

Yes, and from 2024 it will reflect the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) framework, encouraging more companies to report across both climate and nature matters. CDP has also committed to reflecting the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)’s upcoming climate disclosure rule and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) in its disclosure system.

What can be done now to improve your CDP score for next year?

Once you’ve identified the gaps in your CDP response, the next step is taking action. Sustainability is not just about mitigating risks, it’s also about capitalising on opportunities. Starting early with your CDP efforts enables you to identify areas where you can enhance your sustainability performance and create value. Whether it’s optimising energy efficiency and reducing costs, exploring low-carbon products or accessing new markets, a proactive approach allows you to align sustainability goals with business strategies and gain a competitive edge.

How many companies have disclosed to CDP?

In 2023, a record-breaking 23,000 global companies, including listed companies representing over two-thirds of market capitaliSation, reported environmental data through CDP.

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