Biodiversity footprinting and accounting

Biodiversity strategy

Biodiversity footprinting and accounting

Measure your organisation’s biodiversity footprint to quantify your impact on nature and reduce your contribution to the decline of global ecosystems.

Why choose EcoAct.

At EcoAct we are driven by a desire to make a difference. To help businesses to implement positive change in response to climate & environmental challenges, whilst also driving commercial performance.


years of climate and sustainability consulting

Global team.

An international network of EcoActors across 9 regions: France, UK, Spain, USA, Canada, Germany, Italy, Turkey and Kenya.

Proven record.

For over 18 years we have worked with clients across all areas of industry to assist them in their climate ambitions.

Nature provides a wide range of essential ecosystem services which support human and economic activities across all sectors. As one of the key impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss continues to increase on a global scale, as evidenced by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).

Across all sectors, human and economic activities depend on healthy ecosystem services. We are now seeing the deterioration of the benefits nature’s ecosystem services bring to human society.

Like climate change, biodiversity decline will have devastating effects for people and for businesses. Organisations committed to climate action must also address and mitigate their nature-related impact and risks.

Aligned with best practice, EcoAct is a member of the B4B+ Club (Business for Biodiversity Positive) of the CDC Biodiversity. The CDC has developed a methodology for biodiversity foot printing (SBTN, CDP, Align, TNFD…) called the Global Biodiversity Score (GBS).

EcoAct is also a proud member of the European research project CircHive, which aims to standardise an approach to biodiversity footprinting and natural capital accounting.

As emerging regulation continues to develop in this area, frameworks and guidance shape best practice for businesses to align their nature-related commitments to.

Companies are encouraged to measure and publicly disclose their impact on biodiversity by the TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosure) and CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project). Similarly, the SBTN (Science-Based Target Network) provides guidance for companies to set ambitious nature-based reduction targets and mitigate their future impact.

EcoAct will help you to calculate your biodiversity footprint and develop a robust impact reduction strategy.

How we can help you understand and tackle biodiversity issues

Our team of biodiversity experts will help you to navigate changes in the regulatory landscape and anticipate material nature-related risks to your organisation.


Bring your team up to speed on biodiversity concepts

In an interactive session tailored to your organisation, our team will collaboratively explore the source of biodiversity loss, conservation challenges, the voluntary and regulatory landscape and the basics to develop your own biodiversity strategy.

Biodiversity mural sessions help to contextualise the relevance of biodiversity to your business specifically and consider potential solutions for your company.


Understand how biodiversity is integrated within your business

Nature-related risks and dependencies are mapped across your value chain, sites and products to identify priority areas.

Our team will consider this analysis within the context of key reference frameworks (CSRD, SBTN, TNFD, etc.) to help you focus resources and prioritise mitigation opportunities to maximise your impact.

To assess the societal value of biodiversity, EcoAct uses the concept of “double materiality”. This holistic approach provides an in-depth view of the relationship between your organisation, biodiversity, and ecosystem services.

Biodiversity Footprinting and Accounting - waterdrops on leaves

Measure your biodiversity footprint

Aligning with best practice, EcoAct uses the Global Biodiversity Score© (GBS) to model and quantify the impact your organisation has on biodiversity.

We leverage a pressure model (GLOBIO) to pinpoint the interdependencies between your organization and biodiversity, assessing related risks and offering mitigation strategies for you to implement.

This analysis will enable your organization to participate in voluntary and regulatory disclosure of your biodiversity impact to frameworks such as CDP, TNFD, CSRD, ISSB and the SBTN.

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Limit your impact with an action plan

Organisations should look beyond footprint measurements to limit negative impacts and implement mitigation measures. EcoAct can help you to develop an action plan to minimise your contribution to biodiversity loss, considering climate and sustainable development in parallel with biodiversity.

Your action plan should include monitoring of biodiversity indicators to progress assess and demonstrate progress towards a target, participation in biodiversity working groups, employee training on biodiversity issues, and transparency on strategy and action.

We also encourage organisations to contribute to ecosystem regeneration and conservation by investing in nature-based solutions with biodiversity co-benefits.

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Reporting: Support for CDP biodiversity questions

The CDP (The Carbon Disclosure Project) is one of the most recognised reporting frameworks for investors and includes 18 mandatory biodiversity questions within its 2024 Climate Change questionnaire.

These questions are aligned with the GBS methodology, the latest IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) recommendations, TNFD and TCFD.

We encourage you to get ahead of future mandatory reporting and begin understanding your biodiversity footprint now.


Biodiversity footprinting and accounting

Biodiversity refers to the set of all natural processes that enable humans and many other living species to live and thrive. This factsheet covers EcoAct’s four-step approach to supporting you in measuring and reducing your impact on biodiversity and the role EcoAct can play in your ecological transition.


Other Measurement and Net-Zero Strategy sustainability solutions


As a gold accredited provider with CDP we can help you prepare a comprehensive submission and improve your score.

FLAG Science-based targets

As the need for climate action becomes increasingly urgent, it is critical that emissions from the land sector be addressed.

Carbon Footprinting

Any climate strategy starts by calculating a carbon footprint to understand your organisation’s climate impact and to focus your emissions reduction initiatives.

Scope 3

Expectations for companies to measure and report on their Scope 3 emissions are increasing. Reporting Scope 3 emissions allows you to engage with your supply chain and obtain information on carbon emissions and reductions, energy, water and waste efficiency.

Climate Strategy

Embedding climate and sustainability related thinking into strategic decisions is an opportunity for your organisation to innovate, increase investments in green technology, and accelerate emission reductions.


Key questions on biodiversity footprinting

What is a biodiversity footprint?

A biodiversity footprint is a measure of the impacts of your organisation’s activities and value chain on biodiversity.

Why is calculating my organisation's impact on biodiversity important?

There is an urgent need to limit the destruction of biodiversity and to take action now to reduce your organisation’s impacts. Calculating your biodiversity footprint is a first step in understanding the challenges facing your organisation and prioritising actions to reduce impacts on nature.

How do I get started with measuring my biodiversity footprint?

There are two ways of measuring your biodiversity footprint. First by calculating an ecological inventory of the current impacts of biodiversity on a specific site. The second is quantifying your organisation’s contribution to environmental pressures.

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